IT’s Teamwork provides professional IT related consultancy and management services


Strengthen your digital transformation with IT's Teamwork®


We connect people,

transform organizations and

enable you to succeed









Digital transformation ensures organizations stay relevant. Solid business processes and information technology improve the results of organizations. You organize this by being future-oriented and by working closely with management, users, IT functions and IT suppliers. Together with our partners, we look forward to advice you and help you with interim management, projects, training/coaching and master classes. Based on the motto "First organize, then automate" we have developed a unique self-service tool that provides insight and connection: the BusinessITScan®.




ITsTeamwork - BusinessITScan
The Six success factors & BusinessITScan®

Thé solution to measure and improve the success of business and IT within your organization.


ITsTeamwork - IT integratie
Due Diligence, Merger & Acquisition

Good IT integration or IT disentanglement is crucial when acquiring or selling an organization. We deliver quality.

DD and M & A

ITsTeamwork - IT management, interim IT manager
Interim management

A fresh and experienced outsider works temporarily in your organization, to realize your objectives. Part time or interim.


ITsTeamwork - IT integratie
Workshops & Masterclasses

Working toward a new future is people work. Engaging people in change is the key to success.





IT’s all about Teamwork

We believe in the power of the difference. Different visions, know how and personalities improve the success of a team, and of your organization. Cooperation: IT’s Teamwork. In this manner, organizations stay relevant for their customers in the future.


Experienced consultants

IT’s Teamwork and our partners have extensive know how in all aspects of business and IT. With this know how we focus on improving the results of your organization. Pragmatic, thorough, critical and focussed on results. Always focussed on the right balance between humans, technology and processes.



An impression of our clients


Aeres - IT's Teamwork

agiplan - IT's Teamwork

Automotive Alliance Group - IT's Teamwork

Asics - IT's Teamwork

       Beeckestijn - IT's Teamwork

Floriway - IT's Teamwork

Keolis - IT's Teamwork

Keolis - IT's Teamwork

Nederlands Dagblad - IT's Teamwork

      Nedmag - IT's Teamwork

Parts PointGroup - IT's Teamwork

PKN - IT's Teamwork

Provincie Noord-Brabant - IT's Teamwork

Shoeby - IT's Teamwork

Stadgenoot - IT's Teamwork

Terberg Business Mobility - IT's Teamwork

Terberg Group - IT's Teamwork

          Value8 - IT's Teamwork